New plotholders

So you have got your new plot. It will probably look like this. It will likely have been strimmed, have a few existing plants on it and other 'stuff'. If you are lucky there may be a structure such as a shed on it.
It is best to get stuck in as soon as possible. There will probably be some weeds to deal with. Try not to let the weeds get out of control, they can grow very fast in Spring and Summer.
Hopefully you will have some gardening experience but if not there are plenty of other plotholders with advice!
Please see in links rules etc. which you may need to refer to. Most are common sense.
If you are having problems please contact lettings secretary - lettingsecretary@gmail.com
Let us know if your contact details change.
Don't forget an allotment is a communal facility. Please get involved in the wider events etc.
Good luck!
Also don't forget you can join our society as a non plot holder. This entitles you to use the DC (shop) and go on the social activities e.g. visiting Harlow Carr Gardens. Only £5 a year at the moment.
Cost of allotments (2025)
Quarter plot: £29.75 a year (plus £25 returnable bond)
Half plot: £52.50 a year (plus £30 returnable bond)
Full plots not currently available due to high demand. (£98.00)
In the first year, on entering into a rental agreement with CAAGA, a returnable bond is payable. This is currently £25 for a quarter plot and £30 for a half plot. This is for keys and to help CAAGA if the plot is left in a poor condition or needs rubbish etc. removed.
Welcome to Chapel Allerton Allotments and Gardens Association (CAAGA)
Extra Space Waiting list Application
Form to go on waiting list
Please note the waiting list is about 30, which equates to about 12 months (As of January 2025)
Full plots not currently available due to high demand.